Complaints Policy
We hope that any complaints can be sorted promptly and easily. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are unhappy with anything or anyone. I deally, you will need to put your complaint in writing and address it to Simon Dunn.
We will acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days and aim to look into this within 10 working days. We can then offer you an explanation or a meeting with those involved.
We aim to find out what happened and what went wrong. We will identify what we can do to make sure this does not happen again. We sincerely hope that we can resolve any complaints that should arise. However, this does not affect your right to complain to the dental complaints service. If you are not happy with the outcome we have provided or want further advice then please contact:
Dental Complaints Service, The Lansdowne Building, 2 Lansdowne Road, Croyden, CR9 2ER. 08456 120540
General Dental Council, 37 Wimpole Street, London, W1M 8DQ. 020 7887 3800.