About us

There has been a dental practice at 30 Zetland Road since the 1920’s and in 1997 it was purchased by its current owner Simon Dunn.

Estelle Greenfield

Estelle Greenfield joined the practice in 1998 after working in Portishead following her qualification from Bristol Dental Hospital.

She works part time in the surgery with Simon Dunn.  Her GDC number is 127837.

Practice Information

Parking Restrictions

Parking restrictions are in place in Redland and surrounding areas.  
There are pay and display bays close to the practice on the start of Salisbury Road, top and bottom end of Northumberland Road, Carnarvon Rd and a few on Zetland Road.  Alternatively Kinglsey Road or Redland Road have some bays.  Please allow enough time to find appropriate parking space.

Please ensure you do not park in permit only bays. 

Parking is free for the first 30 minutes although you must still show a ticket (by entering your registration number and pressing the green button without putting money in), and then £1.50 per hour thereafter.

We rarely run behind schedule so please contact us to check how long your appointment is before buying a ticket.
Visit the Bristol City Council website for a detailed map showing where to park CLICK HERE.

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